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There's no better way to welcome Autumn than with this pumpkin and tofu noodle laksa, a popular dish from South East Asia. The key to the rich and creamy broth is to use our organic coconut milk and be generous with your spices.



Start by heating the oven to 200-degrees celsius and roasting the cubed and peeled pumpkin for 20 minutes or until soft and tender.
Whilst the pumpkin is roasting, preheat a large pot on the hob on medium-high heat, then add the Laksa paste and curry powder and let it toast for 30 seconds.
Add the lemongrass, stock, coconut milk, tamari sauce and coconut sugar to the pot and bring to a boil mixing everything together, then cover and let simmer for 10 minutes.
Ladle into bowls and serve with lime wedges.

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